Thursday, December 30, 2010

Why was I hating it in the first place?

The innocent "Puttu and Kadala curry" turned out to be one example that pointed to me how beliefs can stop me from enjoying simple things in life.

Puttu and Kadala is a traditional breakfast item in Kerala and malayalis relish it. I really do not know why,  but I had developed a bad taste to puttu right early in my childhood (I might have been about 6 years then) when I ate it for the first time at my home. Maybe, at that time I found it too thick and heavy to chew and gulp down, or maybe it was just its looks, or maybe it was offered along with some thing else that I did not like... My mother stopped making puttu at home from then, since I expressed my strong dislike to this item.  Ever since (for decades), I have stayed away from the humble puttu despite getting many opportunities to eat it (outside home).

After a very long gap, the Sunday before last, my wife and my mother decided to make puttu and kadala at home for breakfast, just for a change now that my children also would like an opportunity to taste this delicacy. I decided to give it a try against my strong inner dislike towards this food. I was totally surprised - I really enjoyed eating puttu with the kadala curry - each bite of it. I ate till my stomach was full, relishing it totally. That breakfast turned out to be one of the best breakfasts I had ever had.

I ended up wondering, why did I deprive myself of this simple pleasure all this life - All because of that one strong belief (that "I will never like puttu") that took root in my mind decades ago? Maybe I could have checked it out again a few years later in my childhood, to see if I still disliked it.

All said, puttu and kadala rocks:-)

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