Sunday, May 17, 2015

Rain - omen?

It has been raining heavily in Bangalore for the last three weeks. This is unusual during this time of the year here. I read, this is the case with some other places in India too. The wind direction too is quite random - some days westerly, sometimes easterly, some days south-western, some days north-eastern. In Bangalore, usually from mid-May to early-October, the wind blows from South-West, and from October to early-May, the direction of wind is North-Easterly. But this summer (March-May), the winds have been blowing all over the place. I think, all this is due to the El Nino, that is on now.

Though these rains have made our summer very comfortable this time, I also tend to see this as an omen - we might be in for a monsoon that would surprise on the negative side. The monsoon might very well turn out to be far below normal.

If that is the case, it would upset the plans of farmers in India. Most of them still go by these seasonal expectations. Increased inflation, poor-quality produce, scarcity in some produce etc. coming our way this year?


  1. There are many changes and we may be witnessing a mammoth change in the tectonic plates too. All the communicable diseases of water origin will hit us soon.

  2. There are many changes and we may be witnessing a mammoth change in the tectonic plates too. All the communicable diseases of water origin will hit us soon.
